Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Every year... millions of Americans make New Year's Resolutions... I am normally not one of them...

You see... there is something about promising yourself that you will loose 10 pounds... and subsequently giving up your desire... after you realize that you probably shouldn't eat the whole can (or in my case cans) of nuts your sister gave you for Christmas. (no... I don't like nuts that much... I just love presents. I had told my sister that I would be happy with a can of nuts and a bar of soap... so I got 4 cans of nuts... and 7 bars of soap... all wrapped individually... oh and she gave me a subscription to Real Simple.... love) So... I typically don't make myself promises I can't keep... but this year... I think I will... I am going to make two lists... One that is realistic... and one that is sooo fun (and mostly unrealistic  slightly silly... but totally do-able) you will be jealous... yay :)

Ok here we go!

Realistic New Year's Resolutions 2012

1. Eat more colorfully. I'm not talking gummy bears here my friends... but fruits and veggies. Ready. Set. Hold me accountable.

2. Enjoy more sunlight. Confession... I'm whiter than white... Dr. says vitamin D is super important...

3. Do my PT exercises every day. Now this one... might be a bit... eh.. I can do it :) I HAVE TO!

4. Be open to friendships. I know I struggle with this one... I have a hard time with girlfriends especially my own age... So... this year... I'm going to try harder.

5. Floss daily... Gross, I know....  But I'm pretty much a 3 times a week flosser... ewwwww. Can't believe I just admitted that online.

6. Take 10 minutes every day to just relax. Not worry... Give it all to God.

7. I've always meant to go through Oswald Chambers book... and this year I am going to do it! Wanna Join me? It's super easy now... it's all online!!! And they have the verses you need to read through the Bible in a year on the same page as the devotional... yep... Going to do that too :) Click here for the link to the website :)  

8. Write often... for some reason, some of you think I'm a good writer. You obviously can deal with my poor grammar... and spelling... and vocabulary...  and punctuation... and ALL of my dot... dot... dots... (yep I'm totally... addicted)  So... I figure that I should keep it up. I found a free grammar course online that I plan on taking. So... maybe  then, I will be a little more confident :)

9. Be kind with my words... My dad always reminds me to "Take the venom out of your words". Sometimes, because I am a very direct, no nonsense, to the point person, my words can be hurtful... I need to work on that.

10. Be grateful... I think that is going to be my word for the year. Grateful. I need to acknowledge the blessings in my life... daily.

11. Read more books... Confession... I don't think I finished ONE book this year... (I have finished devotional books... but not pleasure reading... unless cookbooks count.)

12. Have more grace... falling isn't on my list of to-do's :)

Ok... Now for the fun ones... Yes... I really do want to do all of these... This year :)

1. Go to the Camel Dairy Farm. I saw it on Huell Howser...  If you haven't seen my impression of him... you are missing out... Ask me next time you see me :)

2. Meet my Husband. Ahem... I'm currently taking applications if you'd like to, or know someone who would like to apply.

3. Throw a bunco brunch party. Wanna come?

4. Look into joining the Daughters of the American Revolution... Yep my great great great (I can't remember how many) was a general. And if you've watched Gilmore girls... You know that they have plenty of fundraisers and parties :) I love parties :) and charity.... and American history.

5. Go lobster fishing on the pier... Yeah... My dad and I have been meaning to do this but haven't gotten around to it.

6. Go to the Lemon Lily Festival in Idyllwild again... I had way too much fun last year :) And yes... it's a festival for a flower... obviously, I'm an obsessive flower lover.

7. Feed the Giraffes at the zoo. I really really want to do this.... like really really really.

8. Swim with the dolphins.

9. Plan multiple trips to gardens... arboretums... and museums. Cheap cheap fun :)

10. Go to the Griffith Observatory.

11. Go to a Presidential debate :) ooooh yeah :) I love love love politics :)

12. Throw an awesome Olympics opening ceremonies party... Olympics and Presidential election in the same year... oh it's going to be amazing!!!!! I know... that happens every 4 years :)

Now... what am I missing?

I can't wait for the New Year :)

xoxo- me

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