Sunday, July 10, 2011


Tomorrow I go in to specialist number one... to find out the results of all my blood work... All 27 viles and 2 bottles... Yeah... it's time for that story now :)

So My endocrinologist and infectious disease doctors decided that since I'm such a hard stick... they'd hold all their blood work... and run it together... so they didn't repeat tests and they could share information.... well...I can't imagine they could have taken more blood... They took about a pint and a half... that's more than they take when you give blood!

My blood had to be taken at the local hospital because of the tests they wanted to run... so I went in for what I thought would be 20 minutes... in and out... Well...I was there for three hours... count that... 1.2.3. yeah...

Half of my time was spent waiting to be called back (I get it... they're busy...). Then they spent a half hour trying to locate my vein... (see why they like to draw it all at once?) Then the young man who was getting the viles ready exclaimed, " Congrats... you now hold the record! I have never ever had this much in one sitting... lets hope your veins hold up!"

We made small talk... I told him about my condo that I want to buy... (yeah... obsessed much? It's ok... it's positive :) positive thoughts are good. ) As the "vampire" stuck the needle into my vein ( which he got on the first try... Yeah buddy!) I prayed that I would be able to give all the blood they needed... My veins tend to collapse... So I sat there patiently as the blood drained out of my body... At this point there were three nurses surrounding me... one fanning me... one holding water for me to drink and the other with a cool towel on my head... all because the vampire was freaked out that I would pass out and he wouldn't find a vein again... Ha ha!

Seriously... I was laughing so hard.. all this fuss just to get my blood... you have got to be kidding me!

Well.. 45 minutes later... I had to pee... they were still taking my blood... and I had to go... bad...

"Please!!! seriously... I'm going to wet the table! Like... no joke! I drank 64 ounces this morning... and you've had me drinking this whole time! I've gotta go!!!!... Ugh.. I should have worn a diaper!"

I had the whole office laughing hysterically. Then... they look at the order and realize one of the draws has to be drawn from two different sites... great... time to find another vein... ugh... But... They decided that this was a good time to let me go to the bathroom...

I have never had a nurse wait that patiently as I peed... She stood... waiting for me to finish... TMI? sorry... ha ha!

I got back in the chair and he stuck me again... and got more blood...

Then.. I was done! Finally! yay! only an hour and a half later! ha! The young man looked at me and asked who was driving me home... then he insisted he meet them... cause I wasn't allowed to drive myself!

 I walked him  the vampire out to the lobby and My sis introduced herself and he instructed her to not let me out of her sight...  no exercise... and I needed to eat steak... We left laughing... Only I would have such a dramatic blood draw...

So... we disobeyed...  and went to in and out... but.. I had steak for dinner... and 7 times since then... did you know it takes 35 days for your red blood cells to replace themselves? Oh and... big shocker... my iron is low now! Ha!

hope I had you laughing...

pray that tomorrow... we get our answer... Please...
xoxo- me


Anonymous said...

Yep! I'll be praying!
Blessings, Linda <><

Anonymous said...

Yay for the vampire, he sounds good. While not the most pleasant of experiences, at least you all had a laugh. And we know that is good medicine.
Praying, Kathy

Cara said...

This reminds me of when I was just in the hospital!! My veins are awful too!!! They had to change my iv twice and wanted to try a third time and I told them no way!!! My spinal tap was pure agony :( they tried for 15 mins, two diff positions (one which required a nurse to hold me down bc it was so painful) and three diff drs trying until they finally gave up. Then it turned into a lumbar puncture where a radiologist gets the spinal fluid using an xray machine to guide him. He was successful and also found blood in my bueno...ICU I went!!!! We could write a book with our experiences!!! I hope they find the answers for you soon :)