Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I hate mosquitoes

I haven't felt like writing lately... I think I'm in denial about my current situation. 

Just tonight I was telling a close friend how great I was doing this past week. I've had minimal pain, and I seem to be getting stronger. I have been so encouraged.... 

and now... tonight... right now it has hit me... It's three am... I've taken as much pain killer as allowed and my body is revolting. I woke up... soaked... chilled... and ick... I'd rather not go into too many details... but I think these last few days... I've been in denial... that anything is still wrong... despite my daily fevers. 

If a tree falls in a forest does it make a noise? I keep thinking... if I don't take my temperature and record it in my log for the doctors... will I still have a fever?

I saw two specialists this past week. An infectious disease doctor and an Endocrinologist. I'm seeing another specialist  on Thursday.

The infectious disease doctor was amazing. She had to have been at least my grandparents age... if not older. She asked me plenty of questions... where have I traveled... What shots have I received... What's my favorite hobby... what do I do for fun? 
As I filled out her stack of papers... I began to wonder... is this a dating application? I have been known to ask similar questions when I jokingly say I'm taking applicants for the position of husband.  (Oh... and p.s. I really am taking applications... ;) So if you know of anyone... err... )

As she poked and prodded we made small talk... I eyed her adorable white high heels and our conversation turned to shoes... (what else would I talk about... that day I was wearing my "cute flats" the ones with flowers on top) 

Then she said the tell tale... I need to ask your mother to leave the room for just a minute... 

yeah... I know where this is headed...

My mom and I have no secrets... I have nothing to hide... I take my purity seriously. And it wont be compromised. 

After I tried to convince her that I was absolutely at no risk for any sort of  "disease" and she didn't believe me... I pointed her to some documents about my endometriosis surgery.  Yeah... after that... she believed me :) and then she let my mom back in... She said my symptoms didn't fit that anyway but she has to ask. What a sad culture we live in... That it is so rare to keep your "cardinal treasure " secure until marriage...

More pokes and prods to follow... and then she blurted out... I think I know what you have....

"I'm pretty sure it's the west nile virus."

Are you kidding me... a stupid mosquito could have caused all of this?!?! I hate mosquitoes! I am ALWAYS getting bitten... Even with bug spray!  no... this is ridiculous... So... she and the endocrinologist ran some tests... 27 viles in all... and two bottles... that's a story for another day... the story of how they got my blood... 

and hopefully between the two of them... they will figure it out... and if not... specialist number three is on Thursday... 


P.S. I had a wonderful 4th :) how was yours? xoxo


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! A mosquito! I don't like them either; persistant pests, they are! Do you have an appt. with a rheumatoligist, too? Well, we are praying for good resolution and healing. Loving you in Christ, Linda & Fred.

Rachel said...

yep rheumatoligist is on Thursday :)