So... I was "that child"... you know, the one who always had mud on her feet and who's hands were covered in moth dust from catching those little brown moths on the small purple flowers that bordered our neighbors yard. Well.. who am I kidding... I'm still "that child" make that adult...
So... my family was kinda frustrated that my meds were getting spread all over the house... (and my meds no longer fit into the smaller pouch) so... they begged me to make another one or they would throw them into an ugly ziploc bag.... so it took me quite a few days to complete (cause... the exhaustion has become unbearable... :( it will get better soon... hopefully ) ... but I'm done... and I love it... now... my family will just have to keep me from using it as a purse :)
So... I made it out of fabric scraps that came from a dress I made and wore once... yeah... it was a horrible pattern... I donated it to the good will :) the butterflies and flowers are made out of scraps of an apron I once had in my shop and the beading that holds the brown ribbon is a leftover from a garter I made for a sweet friend who got married back in 2009... yeah... I hold onto scraps :) I even included a little pocket for a tiny composition book so we can keep track of the times of medications... which keeps everyone happy as a lark! Or should that be butterfly? Well... I love butterflies and flowers and birds:)
So there it is... It will hold my meds... and maybe make it a little less awful to take them... it isn't the actual taking of the meds that is horrible... its just the thought of it... the reminder that I have to...
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