Thursday, June 5, 2008

8 1/2 miles ?!?!

Ok... Let me begin my story by saying I never Ever EVER planned on walking 8 and 1/2 miles... it just kind of ... happened. I began my walk yesterday dreading it... I didn't want to go, I dragged my behind out the door and began walking down to the beach. My muscles were aching, my hips were a little sore, and I wanted to be done. The mile from my house to the beach was easy... no problem... it was down hill. I walked to the end of the pier where I saw four men standing on kayaks paddling across the ocean, their words carried up to the pier and I found myself listening to their conversation about life. Soon I left, determined to continue my walk, and walked all the way down to Califia beach.

There is this amazing trail, a little crowded some days but beautiful. I got to the end and like most days I realized that I could see Nixon's point. My mind started thinking that someday I would walk all the way there then, I thought ... That Day is Today! The path is less traveled and a little rocky but oh my goodness GORGEOUS! There are caverns that I never new existed. This was an ocean I had never seen before... gorgeous. I continued on and passed a homeless mans home, my heart broke for him, my head said keep walking, I said a prayer for him (not feeling comfortable stopping to help as a single gal) and kept walking.

The walk became harder, the path became non existent, the train tracks came closer... and there it was... The Western White house!
(Photo Courtesy of Wikipedia )
It was beautiful, and with as much of a history geek I am, I got the chills. Many news makers had made the trek I just made many years ago, just hoping to get a glimpse of the president. For a moment, I imagined I was one of them, trying to get the best photo and story... But that was before my time... He will never stay there again, it has been sold. The green barb wire fence still guards the home, and yet the ocean continues to crash outside.

My walk continued home and I felt so accomplished. What I had planned to be an hour walk turned into a 2 1/2 hour walk. My muscles are a little sore today...

After all... I did walk 8 and 1/2 miles yesterday.


Monique said...

Very cool! I don't think I could have done the walk back home. Good job. And yes we have met but we haven't crossed paths in a while. I have looked at your blog before but never left a comment. Thanks for leaving one on mine! You were brave! :) Take care.

Nyla said...

Awesome Rachel! I wish I could have gone with you! I love walking...but I would have to get a sitter to do that kind of walking!

You are an inspiration!