Thursday, March 26, 2009

I'm in Romania!

Hello dear blog friends!
So sorry for the lack of updates! I am in Timisuara Romania. Yeah... I probably didnt spell the city name correctly but o well. We spent our first week in Petrosani Romania with a missionary from our church. We did a womens confrence at the church and it went really well. We spent our time with Kelly talking with her and hopefully encouraging her. I promise I will post tons of pictures later. We had to leave Petrosani a little earlier than we had planned because I ended up being super allergic to the mold in the city. We are now staying at a church in Timisuara and it is beautiful. We will be touring around the city for a few days and then we will be going to Budapest! I am having a great time and I am feeling better now :) Thanks for your prayers!

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